NBA 2K13

March 18, 2024

Hot off the blocks round about now is NBA 2K13, which is the latest installment in the popular basketball video game series NBA 2K.

Published by 2K Sports, and developed by Visual Concepts, NBA 2K13 officially hit the streets on October 2nd 2012 in North America and on October 5th in Europe. The game is available in different versions for the following gaming platforms: Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Wii U, PlayStation Portable, iOS, Android, and Microsoft Windows.

Anyone who has played previous versions of NBA 2K will soon be in their comfort zone when they fire up NBA 2K13; however, the new game is far from being a rehash and in fact has quite a few pleasant surprises up its sleeve.

First off, it should be noted that the game offers a new method of dribbling, which involves using the right analog stick on your game controller. This feature has been noted to be an emulation of something first seen on the rival NBA Live series of basketball games. Original or not, the provision of the new option certainly spices up one-on-one encounters in NBA 2K13.

What was called “My Player” in the old version is now relabeled “My Career” in the new edition of NBA 2K. In addition, NBA 2K13 introduces a whole host of sideline activities over and above what happens on the basketball court. For example, players can negotiate endorsement contracts with sporting attire brands, even extending to designing their own range of basketball shoes.

Needless to say, gameplay on the court has not been neglected, and the combination of exciting basketball with intriguing off-court activities has garnered NBA 2K13 a very high rating from critics and fans alike. Metacritic scores it at 88%, while IGN awarded NBA 2K13 an impressive 9/10. Little wonder, then, that this game is flying off the shelves at the current time.


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