Fallout 76 Game Review

Fallout 76 is a representation of a devastated and empty world after a nuclear fall with threats of a total annihilation of human beings. Fallout 76 comes with some quests and seemingly main story giving a series of generic tasks to complete while audio logs throw some tasks at you to do. Total lack of characters in the world makes completing quests and tasks and any investment in the world. This vague exercise may be a kind of attempt to keep a player busy in the real sense. Your quest is prompted or pushed at you either by a holotape, a note, a dead body, a computer terminal which most likely to end in the same fashion when you complete the quest.  Completed quests reward you with random ‘loot’ items into your inventory after you have completed the quests.

Though Bethesda showcased a nuclear wasteland in Fallout 76, does not engage many differences from its previous approaches like the Fallout 4. You have many systems and game-play back in the Fallout76. Fallout 76 is not a really enchanting experience for a single player as the possibility of not finding ANY NPCs as the company makes it a bit fagging. You are not likely going to enjoy a balanced single-player adventure here. Playing with friends and interacting with other online players may add flavor to your experience with benefits in the CAMP building, public events, claiming workshops and resource collecting might give you a wonderful experience.

A single player will have to carry so much burden of Appalachia and so many other things inside on his head such as hopping from one quest to another quest, warding off enemies, destroying a mutation, unintentionally walking to a public event, and searching for food and water for survival.  Since every human survival in Fallout 76 is a real person, options of working alone or with others give you a real dynamic experience in the game.

Some Pluses Of Fallout 76

Fallout 76

The enemies don’t seem too lethal though, but you could be killed if you slack on your path. This could happen invariably during a weapon switch.

There are many enemies, but you may not encounter too many at the onset of the game.

The weapon and armor durability is a good addition to Fallout 76. You need to approach your Pip-boy to access and activate weapons switch if you lose one. The access to weapons and armor are level-gated, meaning you cannot access or acquire weapons with high bonuses at the fallout of the game. A player needs to work himself to a higher level to get higher bonus-based weapons.

The micro-transaction shop offers virtual currency encrypted with a scaling price scheme to buy the currency to acquire some of your in-game items.  These items may become highly handy to you during the cause of the game.

Glitches Of Fallout 76

Fallout 76 seemed to give the players no serious objective engagements other than an aimless gathering of loot, shooting at your enemies, creating a character’s S.P.E.C.I.A.L, all these with no serious objective or intention. Furthermore, real play time gives you not much experience other than having encounters with enemies, having floating dead enemies in the air, more enemies to encounter.

You are most likely to encounter constant stuttering, many pauses, and sometimes freezing during plat time of Fallout 76 which present some difficulties for an enjoyable game flow.

When you run out of ammo and urgently need a weapon switch, the game does not stop because of multi-player system. This could be an issue because you need to approach the Pip-boy through the menu and scroll for weapons as the enemies keep hitting at you.

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